The Convention on the Rights of the Child
is called the Magna Carta for Children. It consists of fifty-four articles
detailing the individual rights of every person under the age of eighteen to
the full development of their capabilities in an environment free from hunger
and want, cruelty, exploitation and other forms of abuse.
The Convention, which was the result of
ten years of negotiations, was adopted by the United Nations on 20 November
1989 and entered into force on 2 September 1990 after being ratified by twenty
States. To date, 139 countries have either signed the instrument or become
parties to the Convention through ratification or accession. Upon ratification
by a State, the Convention will acquire the status of a law on its territory,
which will be monitored in the States parties by a committee of ten experts.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child
takes a step forward in comparison with existing international instruments. It
links the rights of the child to the rights and responsibilities of parents and
other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and
protection, and grants the child the right to participate in decisions
affecting his or her present and future.
Among the most pressing issues addressed
in the Convention and in some cases raised for the first time in the framework
of an international instrument, we note such as obligations towards children
living in the most disadvantaged conditions (Article 22), protection from
sexual and other types of exploitation (Articles 34 and 36), drug addiction
(Article 33), child crime (Article 40), inter-State adoption practices (Article
21), children in armed conflict (Articles 38 and 39), the needs of children
with disabilities (Article 23), as well as children of minorities and
indigenous peoples (Article 30).
Education is the subject of two important
articles (27 and 28), the importance of which was again emphasized at the World
Conference on Education for All, held in Jomtien, Thailand, from 5 to 9 March
1990. Primary education should be compulsory, free and accessible to everyone
and aimed at developing the child’s personality, talents and natural abilities,
with appropriate respect for national identity, language and traditional
values. Special emphasis is placed on equal educational opportunities for girls
and boys.
The inherent strength of the new
Convention lies in its flexibility, its ability to maintain its effectiveness,
despite the wide variety of approaches of States to solving common tasks.
Without leaving aside the most sensitive issues, it focuses on various
cultural, religious and other value systems that offer their own solutions to
common problems for all children The following is an abbreviated summary of the
main provisions of the Convention
The Preamble sets out the fundamental
principles of the United Nations and the individual provisions of the relevant
treaties and declarations. It confirms that children, because of their
vulnerability, need special care and protection, and emphasizes the
responsibility of the family to protect and care for the child. It also
confirms the need for legal and other protection of the child before and after
birth, emphasizes the importance of traditional cultural values, as well as the
role of international cooperation in protecting the rights of the child.
THAT SUCH IS THE CHILD (Article 1) A child
is every human being under the age of 18, unless, according to the law
applicable to that child, he or she reaches the age of majority earlier.
Parties shall respect and ensure rights… for each child without any
discrimination. States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the
protection of the child from all forms of discrimination.
(Article 3) In all actions against children… priority is given to the best
interests of the child. States Parties undertake to provide the child with such
protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being, taking into
account the rights and obligations of his or her parents, guardians or other
persons legally responsible for him or her.
States Parties shall take all necessary measures… measures for the
implementation of the rights recognized in this Convention.
5) States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and obligations of
parents and… members of the extended family… properly manage and guide the
child… and do it in accordance with the developing abilities of the child.
6) Every child has an inalienable right to life. States Parties shall ensure to
the maximum extent possible the survival and healthy development of the child
NAME AND NATIONALITY (Article 7) The child from the moment of birth has the
right to a name and to acquire a nationality, as well as, to the extent
possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.
States parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or
her identity, including nationality, name and family ties.
Parties shall ensure that a child is not separated from his or her parents…
except in cases where the competent authorities, according to a court decision,
determine… That such separation is necessary in the best interests of the
child States Parties shall respect the right of a child who is separated from
one or both parents to support… personal relationships and direct contacts
with both parents.
Parties shall respect the right of the child and his or her parents to leave
any country, including their own, and to return to their own country… for the
purpose of family reunification… maintain… personal relationships and
direct contacts with both parents.
11) States Parties shall take measures to combat the illegal movement and
non-return of children from abroad.
THE CHILD’S OPINION (Article 12) States
Parties shall provide for the child… the right to express oneself freely…
views. To this end, the child, in particular, is given the opportunity to be
heard in any case… proceedings involving the child.
child has the right to express his or her opinion freely… receive and
transmit information and ideas… regardless of borders.
RELIGION (Article 14) States Parties shall respect the right of the child to
freedom of thought, conscience and religion… rights and obligations of
parents.. to guide the child in the exercise of his right.
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY (Article 15) States
Parties recognize the right of the child to freedom of association and freedom
of peaceful assembly.
(Article 16) No child may be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference
with the exercise of his or her right to privacy, family life, home or
correspondence, or to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation.
Parties… ensure that the child has access to information and materials from
various sources… sources… To this end, the States Parties… encourage the
media to disseminate information and materials that are socially and culturally
beneficial to the child and … encourage the development of appropriate
principles to protect the child from information and materials that are harmful
to his or her well-being.
States Parties shall make every possible effort to ensure that the principle of
the common and equal responsibility of both parents for the upbringing and
development of the child is recognized . States Parties shall provide parents and
legal guardians with appropriate assistance in the performance of their
child-rearing responsibilities.
VIOLENCE (Article 19) States Parties shall take all necessary measures ..
measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or psychological
violence… by the parents, legal guardians, or any other person who cares for
the child. Such protection measures… they include it. . development of social
programs for the purpose of… warnings… child abuse.
(Article 20) A child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her
family environment or who, in his or her own best interests, cannot remain in
such an environment is entitled to special protection and assistance provided
by the State. States Parties shall, in accordance with their national laws,
provide substitute care for such a child.
ADOPTION (Article 21) States Parties that
recognize or permit the existence of an adoption system shall ensure that ..
The interests of the child are taken into account as a matter of priority and
they ensure that the adoption of a child is authorized only by the competent
authorities REFUGEE CHILDREN (Article 22) States Parties shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that a child who wishes to obtain refugee status
or is considered a refugee… protection and humanitarian assistance. To this
end, States Parties shall facilitate any efforts of the competent
authorities… organizations.. to protect and assist
such a child.
Есть ли у вас хобби, увлечение? Если да, то для вас не будет большой проблемой написать сочинение на английском языке на тему «My Hobby» (мое хобби, мое увлечение). Здесь вы найдете пример такого текста на английском языке с переводом и аудио.
Как написать о своем хобби на английском языке?
Хобби — это простая тема для сочинения или рассказа. Вам не нужно «ресерчить» факты и даты, как, скажем, в топике про США. Вы просто рассказываете о чем-то из своего опыта.
- Начните с общей фразы о том, что у всех есть хобби/здорово, когда есть хобби/хобби — это то, что мы делаем в свое удовольствие и т. д.
- Можно начать просто со слов: «Let me tell you about my hobby».
- Расскажите, в чем заключается ваше хобби, как вы начали им заниматься.
- Можно коротко пройтись по другим увлечениям, особенно если текст получается короче, чем требуется.
- В завершение оптимистично заверьте читателя в том, что иметь хобби — это здорово.
Даже если ваше хобби — что-то распространенное (чтение, танцы, компьютерные игры), уверен, что вы можете часами говорить на эту тему.
My Hobby — Мое хобби. Текст на английском языке + аудио
Это вариант текста с аудио. Ниже вы найдете такой же текст с переводом.
Скачать аудио.
My Hobby
Hobby is an activity that we do for fun, just because we like it. Most people have at least one hobby even if their schedule is tight. I have a few hobbies but my favorite one is drawing comics. Let me tell you about this interesting activity.
Drawing comics is not the same as just drawing. When you draw a person, an animal or an object, normally there is no story in it. Comics are all about storytelling. Even web comics that consist of only one picture tell a story. The story is told through pictures and text. So, if you make comics, you should be and artist and a writer at the same time. My stories are usually funny, they include talking animals and fantastic creatures. Some of my stories are sad and they are based on my personal experience.
I took up drawing comics just a year ago. My friend sent me a picture with two turtles arguing over an apple. I just imitated it and drew a picture with the same characters but with a different story. My friend found it funny, although my picture was not drawn well. I spent a lot of time coming up with my drawing style, and now I think I have one. Drawing never felt like work to me, it is something that I enjoy doing.
As for my other hobbies, I like reading and I am a big fan of historical books. I used to spend a lot of time reading, but now I spend most of my free time drawing.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is great to have a hobby. If you do not have one, it probably means that you just have not found it yet.
Текст на английском языке с переводом. My Hobby — Мое хобби
Это сочинение на тему «My Hobby» с переводом. Ниже вы найдете список полезных слов.
Текст про хобби на английском языке | Перевод |
Hobby is an activity that we do for fun, just because we like it. | Хобби — это деятельность, которой мы занимаемся ради удовольствия, просто потому что нам это нравится. |
Most people have at least one hobby even if their schedule is tight. | У многих людей есть хотя бы одно хобби, даже если у них напряженный график. |
I have a few hobbies but my favorite one is drawing comics. | У меня несколько увлечений, но мое любимое — это рисовать комиксы. |
Let me tell you about this interesting activity. | Позвольте мне рассказать об этом интересном занятии. |
Drawing comics is not the same as just drawing. | Рисовать комиксы — это не то же самое, что и просто рисовать. |
When you draw a person, an animal or an object, normally there is no story in it. | Когда вы рисуете человека, животное или предмет, обычно в этом нет никакой истории. |
Comics are all about storytelling. | Комиксы же — это прежде всего повествование. |
Even web comics that consist of only one picture tell a story. | Даже веб-комиксы, состоящие из одной картинки, рассказывают историю. |
The story is told through pictures and text. | История рассказывается через картинки и текст. |
So, if you make comics, you should be and artist and a writer at the same time. | Так что, если вы создаете комиксы, вам нужно быть и художником, и писателем одновременно. |
My stories are usually funny, they include talking animals and fantastic creatures. | Мои истории обычно смешные, в них есть говорящие животные и фантастические существа. |
Some of my stories are sad and they are based on my personal experience. | Некоторые из моих историй — грустные, и они основаны на моем личном опыте. |
I took up drawing comics just a year ago. | Я начала рисовать комиксы всего год назад. |
My friend sent me a picture with two turtles arguing over an apple. | Мой друг прислал мне картинку с двумя черепахами, которые спорят из-за яблока. |
I just imitated it and drew a picture with the same characters but with a different story. | Я просто сымитировала ее и нарисовала картинку с теми же персонажами, но с другой историей. |
My friend found it funny, although my picture was not drawn well. | Моему другу она показалась смешной, хотя мой рисунок и был нарисован не очень хорошо. |
I spent a lot of time coming up with my drawing style, and now I think I have one. | Я провела много времени, придумывая собственный стиль рисование, и теперь, я думаю, он у меня есть. |
Drawing never felt like work to me, it is something that I enjoy doing. | Рисование никогда для меня не ощущалось как работа, это что-то, что я люблю делать. |
As for my other hobbies, I like reading and I am a big fan of historical books. | Что касается моих других хобби, мне нравится читать и я большая поклонница исторических книг. |
I used to spend a lot of time reading, but now I spend most of my free time drawing. | Раньше я проводила много времени за чтением, но сейчас я провожу большую часть свободного времени за рисованием. |
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is great to have a hobby. | В завершение, я бы хотела сказать, что это здорово, когда есть увлечение. |
If you do not have one, it probably means that you just have not found it yet. | Если у вас его нет, возможно, это значит, что вы его просто еще не нашли. |
Полезные слова:
- activity – занятие, деятельность
- to do smt for fun – делать что-то для удовольствия, веселья
- schedule – расписание (о делах, работе), график работы
- drawing – рисование
- storytelling – повествование, рассказывание историй
- web comics – веб-комиксы, интернет-комиксы
- to consist of smt – состоять из чего-то
- artist – художник
- writer – писатель
- at the same time – одновременно
- to include smt – включать в себя что-то
- fantastic creature – фантастическое существо
- to be based on smt – быть основанным на что-то
- personal experience – личный опыт
- to take up smt – начать чем-то заниматься (часто об увлечениях)
- to argue over smt – ругаться, спорить из-за чего-то, за что-то
- character – персонаж
- to find smt funny (interesting, sad) – найти что-то смешных (интересным, грустным и проч.)
- to come up with smt – придумать что-то, додуматься до чего-то
- to enjoy doing smt – делать что-то с удовольствием
- to be a fan of smt – быть поклонником чего-то
- historical books – исторические книги
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.
Если вам нужен репетитор, я очень рекомендую зайти на этот чудесный сайт. Здесь вы найдете учителей носителей и не носителей языка для любых целей и на любой карман?
Я сам прошел там более 100 уроков, рекомендую попробовать и вам!
Топики (тематические тексты) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Вторая часть (продолжение). В первой части вы найдете Тексты (топики) по следующим темам: About myself. My family. My friends. My school. My birthday. My day. How I help about the house. My hobby. My pet. К каждому тексту предлагаются слова для повторения темы, вопросы и задания.
Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс). Часть 2
- Мои любимые животные. My favourite animals.
- Моя любимая книга. My favourite book.
- Времена года и погода. Seasons and weather.
- Зимние каникулы. Winter holidays.
- Летние каникулы. Summer holidays.
- Поход в каникулы. Camping Holidays.
- Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins
- Спорт. Sport.
- Одежда. Clothes
- Соединенное Королевство. The UK.
- Лондон. London
* * *
Тext 11. My Favourite Animals
I like animals. I can see wild animals at the Zoo. It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, foxes, bears and other animals.
I like films about animals. I have read a lot of books about bears because I like bears most of all.
Bears are huge. They can be white and brown. The white bear eats fish. It lives in the Arctic. The brown bear lives in the woods. It likes honey and sleeps in the lair (берлоге) sucking its paw in winter.
- Повторить слова по теме «Animals». Полный список животных, птиц и насекомых
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 12. My Favorite Book
I like reading because I learn a lot of interesting things from books. But most of all I like adventure stories.
My favourite book is «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. It is a story about an American boy and his friends. Tom is inventive and brave. He is always full of ideas. He has a lot of adventures on the Mississippi River.
The book teaches us to be kind and friendly, honest and brave, to be a true friend.
I really enjoyed the book.
- Повторить слова по теме «Books». Список №1 (для начинающих)
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 13. Seasons and Weather in Russia
Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the seasons of the year.
December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold. It usually snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.
March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a nice season. The weather is warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the parks. The sun shines brightly. The birds sing songs everywhere.
June, July and August are summer months. In summer it is usually hot. The sky is blue. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. There are many berries in the forests.
September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool. It often rains. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. You can see yellow, red and brown leaves on the trees.
- Повторить слова по теме «Weather»
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
Text 14. Winter Holidays
I like winter because I have long winter holidays. They start on the 29th of December and last till the 10th of January.
The weather is usually fine. There is a lot of snow everywhere.
During winter holidays I have a lot of free time. I don’t have to get up early and go to school. I like to skate and ski.
Sometimes I go to my country house and meet my friends there. We spend a lot of time in the open air, go to the forest, build snowcastles and play snowballs. If it is cold, I usually stay at home. I read books, watch TV or play computer games.
Also I like my winter holidays because we have a happy day – New Year’s Day on the 1st of January and I get presents.
Sometimes my parents and I travel during winter holidays. Last year we visited Suzdal. We stayed in a hotel for three days. I saw many places of interest in Suzdal: wooden houses, beautiful churches and monasteries. It was a very impressive trip.
I like my winter holidays very much.
- Повторить слова по теме «Holidays»
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 15. Summer Holidays
I like summer holidays very much. In summer it is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air. I usually spend June at the seaside.
In June I usually go to a camp. I like spending time there. We play sports, swim in the river and go to different clubs. There is a forest near the camp and we always make a campfire once a week.
In July my parents have a vacation and we go to the seaside. Usually we go to the Black Sea. I like to swim in the sea and spend time on the beach.
In August my parents go to work and I go to the country. We have a country house where my grandparents live. I help them in the garden. I pick up apples and plums, water vegetables. We often go fishing with my grandad or pick up mushrooms in the forest. I have a lot of friends there. We ride bicycles or play games. I have a nice time in the country.
Summer is my favourite season and I enjoy my summer holidays very much.
- Повторить слова по теме «Summer Holidays»
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 16. Camping on Holidays
Last summer I went camping with my dad. We took rucksacks, two sleeping bags, a tent, a map, a compass, torches, and, of course, matches.
First, we got on a train. When we got off the train, we walked through the woods to the lake. Then we put up a tent and made a campfire. We caught a lot of fish and cooked it on the fire. I slept well and mosquitoes didn’t bite me.
I enjoyed the day very much.
- Повторить слова по теме «Camping» (Поход)
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 17. Еда и витамины. Food and Vitamins
Запомните конструкции с глаголом BE:
- be responsible for — отвечать за
- be necessary for — быть необходимым для
- be important for — быть важным для
People need vitamins to stay healthy. The word «vitamins» comes from the word «vita». «Vita» means life in Latin. People get vitamins from food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. Each vitamin is responsible for diffeent things in human body. For example, vitamin A is necessary for eyes. Vitamin B is necessary for the nervous system. Vitamin C is important for bones and teeth.
To stay healthy you should eat healthy food. But unhealthy food is tasty because it has a lot of sugar or fat. Also it has no vitamins. For example, there is no vitamins in Coke, chips or fast food.
- Повторить слова по теме «Food»
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 18. Спорт. Sport
I like sport. That’s why my favourite lesson is P.E.
My favourite sport is …………. (your variant). I play for my school team. We are a good team. We often win in competitions. It is not easy (легко) to win.
Every day I go to the gym and practise. I also go to the sports club. Every morning I run in the park with my friends.
I want to be a sportsman because I like to win.
- Повторить слова по теме «Sport».
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Text 19. Одежда. Clothes
People wear different clothes.
When it is cold, people wear coats, jumpers, trousers and boots. When it is hot, people wear T-shirts, shorts and light dresses.
Some people like to wear comfortartable clothes, others prefer fashionable one. There are clothes for boys and girls, for men and women. But everybody likes to wear jeans.
Also there are clothes for sport. It is a tracksuit and trainers.
As for me, I like to wear _____ (your variant). I always wear________when ________ (your variant).
- Повторить слова по теме «Clothes».
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Тext 20. Соединенное королевство. The UK
The UK is situated on the British Isles. It has 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland.
England, Scotland, Wales are called Great Britain and are situated on the island called Great Britain, too.
The climate of Great Britain is mild. England and Ireland consist mainly of plains. Scotland and Wales have mountains.
There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. The longest river is the Severn.
The capital of the UK is London but there are many beautiful towns and villages.
- Повторить слова по теме «The UK». Список №1
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Тext 21. Лондон. London
London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It is about 2 thousand years old.
London stands on the river Thames. It is a large port.
London has got three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are offices and banks there. The West End has a lot of places of interest and is always full of people.
The most famous places of interest are:
- the Buckingham Palace
- the Westminster Abbey
- the Houses of Parliament
- the Tower
There are many beautiful squares in London. The Trafalgar Square is the most famous one. It is in the center of London.
London is rich in parks. The most famous parks are:
- Hyde Park
- St. James Park
There are many theatres, museums and art galleries in London. The most well-known of them are:
- the National Gallery
- the Tate Gallery
- the British Museum
- Madam Tussaud’s Museum
London is worth visiting.
- Повторить слова по теме «Достопримечательности»
- Задание и вопросы к тексту
* * *
Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)
Text 11. My Favourite Animals
1. Complete the text with the words dangerous, friendly, sharp, huge (large), delicious, fast, body, skin, legs.
- The shark is a sea animal. It is very ________. It can kill other sea animals and people with its _______ teeth. It’s got a ______, long body and rough _____. Half of its _____ is white and half is black.
- The dolpin is a sea animal, too. It is very _______ and it loves to swim in front of _____boats. It’s got a long, thin body and smooth _____. It’s got over one hundred teeth.
- The crab has got a shell on its body and ten _____legs. They have got two ______ claws for fighting. They are a very _______ meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.
Упражнение.Перепишите текст, заменив выделенные слова, используя прилагательные из рамки:
large friendly delicious long dangerous huge
Прилагательные big, good, bad, nice — очень простые. При описании лучше использовать более интересные слова: large friendly delicious long dangerous huge
Прочитайте текст ниже и замените прилагательные big, good, bad, nice на более интересные.
ПРИМЕР. Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten long legs.
Crabs have got a shell on their bodies and ten big legs. They have got two big claws for fighting. They are a very good meal for octopuses, fish, seals and people.
Whales are big sea animals. They aren’t bad animals and usually they’re very nice to people.
2. Answer the questions, using the words the mountains, the river, the desert, the Arctic, the jungle, the ocean, keep as a pet.
- Where do lions live?
- Where do whales live?
- Where do wolves live?
- Where do crocodiles live?
- Where do snakes live ?
- Where do the polar bear live?
- Say what pets your friends and relatives have.
- What is your favourite animal?
- Can you decribe an animal?
- Do you think it is good to keep animals in the zoo? Why? Why not?
* * *
Text 12. My Favourite Book
1.1. Complete the letter with the words: favourite, character, adventures, sailor.
Dear Sam,
Thank you for your letter.
Guess what I would like to write about? It is a book which I read last month. It is «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The main _____ is a man who lived on a deserted island (необитаемый остров) for many years. He had a lot of ______ but the plot is based on a real story of a ______.
You know, I like reading books. One of my ______ book is «Harry Potter.»
And what about you? Do you like reading? What is your favourite book?
Write to me!
Best wishes,
1.2. Complete the text.
- find the murderer — найти убийцу
- using his deductive reasoning — используя метод «дедукции» (нахождение решения по заданным фактам)
This summer I’ve read a book by Conan Doyle. Its ______ is “The Hound of the Baskerville”. Conan Doyle is a _______ writer. He wrote _______stories. I liked this book ______from the very beginning. The main ________ of the book are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The ______of this book is very exciting. Sherlock Holmes was a ______ detective and found the murderer using his deductive reasoning. I enjoy the way he did it very much.
I began to read this book in June and ______it in August. It was very ______ for me to read this book, because I learnt many new English words. Now I’m going to read one more English book.
2. Answer the questions:
- Do you like reading?
- What kind of books do you like (prefer) reading?
- Can you name the titles of some stories?
- Do you like travel books? Why? Why not?
- Have you got any favourite books, authors or favourite characters?
- Have you got a favourite writer?
- Who is your favourite writer?
- Did you like fairy tales when you were little?
- What kinds of book do you dislike? Why?
* * *
Text 13. Seasons and Weather
1. Complete the text.
There are 4 _____ in the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn. In Russia ______ three winter months. They are ______, ______ and February. Spring months are _____ , ______ and May. Summer months are ____, ____ and August. Autumn months are ____, ___ and November. My favourite season is summer because I like to _______ in the river. I like to _____ a bike, too. It is sunny and ______ in summer. And I have _______ holidays. It’s great!
2. Answer the questions:
- How many seasons are there in a year?
- Name the seasons. (Назови……)
- What season is between (между) winter and summer?
- What season is it now?
- What is your favourite season? Why?
- How many months are there in a year?
- Name summer months (winter months, etc.)
- What month is it now?
- What month comes after May? before August?
- What is your favourite month? Why?
- What month do you have your birthday?
- What is the first month of winter? of summer?
- When does spring start in Russia? in Great Britain?
- When does autumn finish in Russia? in Great Britain?
- What month does the school year in Russia start (finish)?
* * *
Text 14. Winter Holidays
1. Complete the text. Use the words: at home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowbals, enjoyed, fine.
I spent my winter_______________in the country. The weather was ___________.
I ______________in the forest. My friend and I went to the river to __________. Sometimes we played _____________ and ______________snowmen.
When it was cold I stayed______________, read books, ______TV. I _______my winter holidays.
2. Answer the questions:
* * *
Text 15. Summer Holidays
1. Read the poem. Then say why children like holidays. Use the poem.
No grammar in summer,
No lessons, no tests,
No English, no Maths, no P.E.
Just rivers and lakes,
Swimming, bathing and sailing
in the deep blue sea!
2. Complete the text.
In Russia children have holidays in spring, summer autumn and winter. Summer holidays are the _________. They begin in June and _______ in August.
I like summer holidays ______. My parents, my sister and me like to travel. Russia is a big _______ and has a lot of interesting places to ______.
I want to ______you about my last holiday.
Contunue talking. Use the questions as a plan.
3. Answer the questions:
- Where did you go on your last holidays?
- When was it?
- Who did you go with?
- How did you get there?
- Where did you stay?
- How long did you stay?
- What did you do all day?
- What did you do in the evening?
- Did you enjoy your holidays?
- What activity did you enjoy most of all?
* * *
Text 16. Camping
1. Complete the text.
Mr Lake and Mr River love outdoor activities and canoeing is their favourite. Last summer they ______ canoeing in France. They took a lot of ________with them. Mr Lake took _________and Mr River took __________ and a tent. One day they decided to spend a night in a beautiful forest by a lake. They left the _______on the lake but they forgot to tie it up to a tree. Then they _______the tent. Mr Lake went to the forest because he wanted to find some _____ for a fire. Next Mr River made a _______ and cooked some fish. After the meal they went to ______. There was a terrible storm that night but Mr Lake and Mr River didn’t wake up. In the morning they went to the lake but their canoe wasn’t there. Then they saw their _______ in the lake. Their paddles, helmets and life jackets were in the canoe. Luckily (К счастью), their mobiles were with them and they could call for help.
2. Answer the questions:
- Do you often go camping?
- When did you go camping last time?
- Where did you go?
- Who did you go with?
- What things did you take with you?
- How did you get there?
- Where did you make a camp?
- How long did you stay there?
- Did you cook food on a fire?
- Did you sleep in a tent?
- Did you sleep well? Why? Why not?
- What did you do all day?
- What did you do in the evening?
- Do you like camping? Why?
* * *
Text 17. Food
1. Complete the text.
My favourite food is ………… . I would like to eat ……………. twice a day.
I (don’t ) like……………… I usually (never) eat ……………………..for breakfast.
I like fruit very much. Fruit is healthy. There are a lot of vitamins in ______, ________, ________.
2. Answer the questions:
- What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
- What is your favourite food?
- What food don’t you like?
* * *
Text 18. Sports
1. Complete the text.
2. Answer the questions:
- Do you like sport?
- What sport do you play (do)?
- Where do you prefer doing sport: in the staduim or in the gym?
- Do you play for your school team?
- Does your team often win?
- Where do you practise?
- Who is the captain of your team?
- Who is the best (the worst) player?
- Do you like your P.E. lessons?
- Do you go to sport clubs?
- What sports games can you play?
- Why is it good to be fit?
- What is your favourite sport to watch?
- Do you go to matches?
- Do you watch sport on TV?
* * *
Text 19. Clothes
1. Complete the text.
2. Answer the questions:
- What do you wear when it is cold?
- What do you wear when it is hot?
- What do you wear when you go to P. E. lesson?
- What do you wear when you go to school?
* * *
Text 20. The UK
1. Complete the text.
The UK or Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. There are ________ countries in the UK: England, Scotland, ________ and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of the _______. It is also the capital of ________. <…>
2. Answer the questions:
- Where is the UK?
- What is the capital of the UK?
- What is the capital of England?
- How many countries are there in the UK?
- What are the countries?
* * *
Text 21. London
1. Complete the text.
- be founded by Romans — основан римлянами
- Thames — Темза
- Buckingham — Букингемский
London is the _______of England and the UK. It is one of the most __________ cities in the UK. It was founded by Romans. London ______on the river Thames. The English Queen lives in London. She lives in Buckingham _______.
There are a lot of historical buildings, ______ and _______ in London. Millions of _______ from different countries visit the city every year. They go sightseeing, ______souvenirs and enjoy traditional meals. The most famous London ______ are Big Ben, the Tower of London and London Eye.
- take part in — принимать участие в
- make speeches — говорить речи (высказывать свое мнение)
London is ______ in parks and gardens. London’s parks are ______ of trees, grass and flowers. They are free for visitors.
Each park is something special. Hyde Park is the largest park. It is _______ for its Speaker’s Corner (уголок оратора). There you can make a speech about what you like.
St. James Park is famous for the ______of Buckingham Palace. This park is very beautiful with its flower beds.
In all London’s parks you can take part in different activities. Londoners love their parks and ______ of them.
2. Answer the questions:
- Is London an old city?
- What is London like?
- What London’s sights would you like to visit?
- Would you like to see Big Ben?
- What is Big Ben like?
- What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
- What London’s parks do you know?
- What each of them famous for?
- Would you like to visit London?
- What would you do in London?
Еще читайте на эту тему:
- Написать письмо другу по этим темам
- Топики (тематические тексты) для школьников 5, 6 класс. Часть 3 (в разработке)
Встаешь с первыми лучами солнца (известно даже самым маленьким: англоязычный отдел мозга наилучшим образом работает с 6.30 до 7.00), раскладываешь на столе новехонькие маркеры, а на компьютере уже открыто не менее трех словарей… Сегодня мир увидит шедевр – self-introduction essay! Но внезапно охватывает оцепенение. С чего же начать? Как представить себя в лучшем свете? Что рассказать в первую очередь? Может, про собаку соседа и щенят? Или это не годится для topic about myself? Как написать и не много, и не мало, а достаточно? Интересно и в то же время информативно? Миссия, кажется, категорично невыполнима.
Ситуация знакома каждому ученику до боли. Неудивительно, что topic about myself заставляет попотеть даже самых опытных и усердных. Не хочется тебя огорчать, но навык self-introduction, устный или письменный, является одним из самых важных аспектов коммуникации и социализации. В современном мире необходимость to talk about myself встречается чуть ли не на каждом углу: собеседование в учебное заведение или на работу, презентация, знакомства. Умение кратко, но информативно презентовать себя позволяет оставаться спокойным и уверенным при любых жизненных обстоятельствах.
План topic about myself
Первый шаг на пути к успешному self-introduction – это ориентировочный план-эскиз, который не может существовать без трех принципов:
основная информация – в topic about myself должны быть представлены самые важные факты о тебе и твоей жизни, рассказ о дискотеке в пятом классе не включаем;
порядок представления информации – структура self-introduction от общих сведений к деталям, от более важного к менее;
уместность – начинать рассказ о себе на деловой встрече словами «Hi, I’m Rick and I can swim» – не лучшая идея, согласись.
Составление плана в последующем поможет создать шаблон, наполняемость которого можно видоизменять в зависимости от социального контекста.
Первый ингредиент в нашем коктейле «Структурированный план» – имя и род деятельности. Если ты студент или ученик школы, необходимо указать направление образования, курс или класс. В связи с тем, что новые профессии появляются довольно часто, название должности или специальности не всегда достаточно информативно. Желательно, конечно, указать основные обязанности, не вдаваясь в профессиональные тонкости, а лишь чтобы дать общее представление. Уместно указать возраст и город проживания. При желании можно добавить интересный факт о своем городе и стране.
Let me introduce myself. I’m Liam Davis, I’m a crypto-zoologist. I am looking for animals that are either considered fictional or extinct. I was born in Australia and I have lived here all my life. Australia is the only country that covers an entire continent.
Начало положено. Отступать уже некуда. Шедевру быть.
Следующий вопрос, который может возникнуть: а стоит ли рассказывать о своих хобби в topic about myself? Несомненно! Первое впечатление можно произвести только раз, и твои увлечения – это один из самых полезных инструментов для создания положительного автопортрета. Даже если это не competitive dog grooming, а из общедоступной группы reading, swimming etc. – стоит добавить пару слов, почему именно это занятие тебе по душе. Главное – не увлечься описанием, чтобы публика не потеряла быстро интерес из-за ненужных или скучных подробностей.
In my free time I like cooking. I can travel all over the world without leaving my kitchen during the worldwide quarantine.
Как и в иерархической пирамиде Маслоу, третий пункт плана – семья и дружба. Семья выступает базой формирования личности, а дружба – один из механизмов ее развития. Поэтому логично, если в self-introduction ты упомянешь самых важных людей в твоей жизни. Достаточно close relatives и best friends: родители, братья, сестры и лучший друг. Целесообразно указать сферу занятости каждого, может быть, ты припомнишь особенные таланты или увлечения. Тем не менее, не стоит забывать, что сочинение все-таки о тебе, и если информация повторяется или несущественная – ее можно опустить.
I’m part of a small and active family. My parents are engineers. Although they work hard and have little free time, my mother is fond of hiking and every year she climbs Mount Kosciuszko. Father, for his part, doesn’t like hiking at all, so he spends his free time diving at each sea of Australia. I’m into both activities, but usually I hang out with my best friend Martin. We’ve known each other since we were three.
Если ты счастливый хозяин питомца, тебе исключительно повезло – это дополнительный пункт в твоем плане. Однако, по общемировой статистике, если дело касается маленьких любимцев, хозяев не остановить. Они готовы рассказывать без остановки пару часов подряд, не жалея слушателей. Не поддайся соблазну! Придерживайся золотого правила: краткость – сестра таланта. Кличка, порода, характер – это максимум, который можно позволить себе в topic about myself.
I have a one-year-old Dalmatian – Lex. Not only is he highly active, but also very intelligent.
Опциональными могут быть пункты, которые включают описание характера и планов на будущее. При изображении основных черт необходимо руководствоваться внешними обстоятельствами, другими словами, кому именно адресовано эссе. Если речь идет о неформальной обстановке, то предпочтительно использовать такие прилагательные как friendly, kind, polite etc. В случае более официального self-introduction уместными будут hard-working, punctual, organized etc. Цели на будущие времена не должны ограничиваться завтрашним походом в магазин за новой курткой. Речь о более масштабных единицах.
The most obvious thing about me is that I’m an extrovert. I’m friendly and talkative. When quarantine is over, I’m going to visit Europe and meet my friends.
Данная структура плана является скелетом твоего topic about myself. Очевидно, что пункты имени, занятости и увлечений являются основоположными. Остальные подлежат изменениям, дополнениям или удалению в целом. Общий вид и конечная информативная начинка self-introduction зависят от поставленных целей и уместности.
Теперь уже понятно, что делать и как быть с этим topic about myself. «И дышится легче, и танцуется проще», – сказала бы Земфира, если бы учила английский так же упорно, как ты. Но и с шаблоном плана на руках важно уметь трансформировать его в словесную форму. Тут мы тоже не остались в стороне.
ТОП самых полезных фраз для идеального topic about myself
Наша команда ученых и исследователей сделала невозможное! Мы собрали самые полезные и актуальные фразы для topic about myself. Пользуйся, не жадничай и отправляй друзьям!
GREETING | ||||||
Formal: | Hello Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Good day (very formal) | |||||
Informal: | Hello Hey What’s up? Hi Hiya (very informal) Yo (very informal) | |||||
NAME | ||||||
Formal: | I am … My full/ first/ last name is … | |||||
Informal: | I’m … My name’s … My friends call me … You can call me …/ They call me … Please call me …/ Everyone calls me … My nickname is … | |||||
LOCATION | ||||||
Basic: | I’m from … I come from … I was born and raised in… I was born in … but raised … I grew up in … but now live in … | I’m from Birmingham I was born and raised in England I was born in France but raised in Sweden I grew up in LA but now I live in New York | ||||
More complicated: | I’m originally from … but I’m now based in … I’ve been living in … for three years I’ve spent the past few years in … I spent my childhood in … | |||||
I’m + nationality adjective NOT: I’m from I’m | I’m from Great Britain I’m British | |||||
AGE | ||||||
Basic: | I’m … years old I’m … | |||||
More complicated: | I’m over/ almost/ nearly … I am around your age I’m in my early early/ mid/ late “decade” | I’m over 16 I’m in my early twenties/ late thirties | ||||
Employee: | I work at “company” in the “…department” I work at/for (NOT I’m a “position“ at “company” I work in “general area” I work as a … | I work at/for Google at marketing department I’m manager at/for Starbucks I work in sales I work as an accountant | ||||
Student: | I’m about to graduate I am “subject” graduate I have BA degree in … | I’m a marketing graduate I have a bachelor of arts degree in marketing I have BA degree in marketing I have BA in marketing I’m a biology postgrad (more informal) | ||||
Courses: | Take a course IN theoretical subject BUT Take a course ON practical subject I’m taking a “subject” course I have completed a “time” course in/on “subject” | I’m currently taking a course in math I’m currently taking a course on jewelry making I have completed a 72-hour course in/on “subject” course | ||||
FAMILY | ||||||
Basic: | I have a brother I have mum and dad I’m from a family of four We’re a family of five I grew up in family of 5 I have three siblings (doesn’t include you) I am one of 4 siblings I’m an only child | |||||
HOBBIES | ||||||
Basic: | I really like … I love … I enjoy … I’m a big fan of … | I really like running I enjoy baking (not to bake) | ||||
More complicated: | I’m a keen + noun I’m really into … | I’m a keen runner I’m really into sleeping |
Теперь у тебя есть все ключики к составлению информативного topic about myself быстро, а главное – интересно для адресата.
Алина Логвина
Приведенный топик про спорт на английском языке подойдет для школьников среднего (от 6-7 класса) и старшего (10-11 класссы) звеньев. Будет также полезен всем изучающим английский язык. По ссылке вы найдете и другие полезные английские тексты на тему спорта и здорового образа жизни с переводом на русский.
More and more people become addicted to sport every day. It has become a tendency everyone tries to follow. Sport is what makes people healthier, more fit and beautiful.
I am keen on sport. Several years ago I used to play football. I was a member of a school team. We took part in many competitions and more than once were the champions. We were kings on the pitch. I still love football but as a fan. My favorite football team is Barcelona. I enjoy every game they play.
Although I didn’t become a professional sportsman, sport still plays very important role in my life. I go jogging every morning. It helps me not only to keep fit, but also to start a day in a perfect mood. It takes me half an hour to do my morning sport but the result is worth waking up very early.
I also prefer improving my body health in a gym. I go there three times per week. Some of my friends followed my example and now we do it together. We do some work-outs, do some exercises and relax our minds. The gym helps to throw off some energy after an extremely busy working day.
A great amount of success in sport life depends on the food. There is no need to follow some strict diet programs or suffer from a great lack of calories. What is needed is healthy food. You know, an old proverb says that an apple a day keeps doctors away. So does the healthy food.
In my country sport is becoming part of everyone’s life. Hockey stays as popular as football is. Many people become keen on tennis and lots of little girls dream of becoming figure skaters or become great fans of gymnastics.
I am happy to see more people who go jogging in the mornings. The gyms become more and more overcrowded so lots of new ones open every month. The tendency is good and I hope that one day people will realize that their health depends on them. So do more sport, eat healthily and live long.
Все больше и больше людей каждый день начинают увлекаться спортом. Это уже стало тенденцией, которой все стараются следовать. Спорт делает людей более здоровыми, более стройными и красивым.
Я очень люблю спорт. Несколько лет назад я играл в футбол. Я был членом школьной команды. Мы принимали участие во многих соревнованиях и не раз становились чемпионами. Мы были королями на поле. Я по-прежнему люблю футбол, но как болельщик. Моя любимая футбольная команда «Барселона». Я наслаждаюсь каждой их игрой.
Хотя я не стал профессиональным спортсменом, спорт по-прежнему играет очень важную роль в моей жизни. Я иду на пробежку каждое утро. Это помогает мне не только поддерживать хорошую физическую форму, но и начать день в прекрасном настроении. Занятие утренним спортом занимает всего полчаса, но результат стоит того, чтобы просыпаться очень рано.
Я также предпочитаю улучшать свое здоровье в тренажерном зале. Я хожу туда три раза в неделю. Некоторые мои друзья последовали моему примеру и теперь мы делаем это вместе. Мы делаем определенные упражнения и отдыхаем от мыслей. Тренажерный зал помогает скинуть немного энергии после напряженного рабочего дня.
Огромная доля успеха в спорте зависит от еды. Нет необходимости следовать строгой диете или страдать от нехватки калорий. Все, что нужно — так это есть здоровую пищу. Есть старая поговорка, которая гласит, что одно яблоко в день спасает от походов к врачу. То же самое делает и здоровое питание.
В моей стране спорт становится частью жизни каждого человека. Хоккей остается так же популярен, как и футбол. Многие люди начинают увлекаться теннисом и много маленьких девочек мечтают стать фигуристками или становятся большими поклонницами гимнастики.
Я рад, что больше людей занимаются бегом по утрам. Тренажерные залы становятся все более и более переполненными, и множество новых открывается каждый месяц. Тенденция хорошая, и я надеюсь, что однажды люди поймут, что их здоровье зависит от них. Так что занимайтесь спортом, правильно питайтесь и живите долго.
Фразы и выражения:
to be a member of
a team — быть членом команды
to take part in a competition
to be the champions
on the pitch
— на футбольном поле
go jogging
— идти на пробежку
to keep fit
— быть в форме
to follow the example
to do some exercises
to throw off some energy
to follow a strict diet
— следовать строгой диете
Стремление быть здоровым, развиваться и становиться сильнее — все это спорт. Он не стоит на месте, он прогрессирует вместе с нами! Спорт, как и английский, учит нас жить и двигаться вперед. Ready, steady, go!
Essay on Sports
Hello, folks! Have you ever heard of this well-known saying: “A sound mind in a sound body»? I think the answer in most cases is “yes”. So, we’re discussing the importance of sports today.
Not so long ago sports was really important part of our day to day life. But with the rising popularity of television, the Internet and video games, sports and exercises are not so important anymore. There is a reason why we should do sports on daily basis. Going in for sports means to be energetic and healthy. While people who are not keen on it are often seen struggling with illnesses in their adulthood, such as diabetes, obesity etc; Moreover, it helps us not only to improve our body but our mind as well.
People who are good at sports also show a lifestyle of excellent quality. They are more active, can make better decisions and find the way out of stressful situations. Not encouraging children to take part in sports activities can make them lazy and peevish as they turn into grown-ups. Also, people who participate in sports competitions are more successful. It is a well-known fact that a man involved in sports activity from the very young age develops a very strong personality. He cultivates what is called the leadership.
For children who want to do sports besides physical training lessons, special facilities are created. In our city, there is a great amount of gyms for fitness, swimming pools, stadiums. Don’t forget about an Ice Palace, where you can enjoy playing hockey and ice-skating. Everyone has an opportunity to do sports if they want to.
And as for me, I can’t live without sports. In summer me and my friend go jogging every morning, and when I have free time I attend the gym and swimming pool. And one more important thing according to the Olympics motto, “It’s not the winning, but the participation.”
Never forget that sports is an essential part of our life.
Сочинение на тему Спорт
Привет, народ! Вы когда-нибудь слышали это известное высказывание: «Здоровый дух в здоровом теле»? Думаю, что в большинстве случаев ответ будет «да». Итак, сегодня обсуждаем насколько важен спорт.
Не так давно спорт действительно был важной частью нашей повседневной жизни. Но с ростом популярности телевидения, интернета и видеоигр, спорт и тренировки уже не так важны. Есть причина, почему мы должны заниматься спортом ежедневно. Заниматься спортом значит быть энергичным и здоровым. В то время как люди, которые не увлекаются им, сражаются с болезнями в зрелом возрасте, такими как диабет, ожирение и т.д. Более того, он помогает нам не только улучшить наше тело, но и наш разум.
Люди, которые хороши в спорте, также демонстрируют отличный образ жизни. Они более активны и могут принимать более правильные решения, находить выход из стрессовых ситуаций. Не поощрение детей к участию в спортивных мероприятиях может сделать их ленивыми и раздражительными, когда они повзрослеют. Также люди, которые участвуют в спортивных соревнованиях, более успешны. Известно, что человек, занимающийся спортом с самого раннего возраста, развивает очень сильную личность. Он развивает то, что называется лидерством.
Для детей, которые хотят заниматься спортом, помимо уроков физкультуры, создаются специальные условия. В нашем городе есть много спортивных залов для фитнеса, бассейнов, стадионов. Не забывайте о Ледяном Дворце, где вы можете насладиться игрой в хоккей и катанием на коньках. У каждого есть возможность заниматься спортом, если он того желает.
Что касается меня, то я не могу жить без спорта. Летом я и мой друг бегаем каждое утро, и когда у меня есть свободное время, я посещаю спортзал и бассейн. И еще одна важная вещь, в соответствии с девизом Олимпиады: «Важна не победа, а участие».
Никогда не забывайте, что спорт является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни.
Похожие сочинения
Sport in My Life
Sport has always been the essential part of a healthy mankind life. To my mind it helps us to keep our body strong, active and fit. And it also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately sport is getting more popular in our country. Most people go to the gym several times a week, they are keen on jogging, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people go regularly to swimming-pools, ski-centers and skating-rinks.
It’s funny but there are some people who spend most of the time in front of TV watching football channels or figure-skating championships, for example. And they proudly call themselves devoted sportsmen. I think they are just passive amateurs and fans of some sports teams. And it goes without saying that watching sports events and doing sports are not the same things at all.
As for me, I’ve been fond of sports activities since my childhood. To tell the truth I prefer team games because I like feeling support of my partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite. You have to be fast and give unexpected balls to your competitors on the other side of the net. At school I was the captain of our volleyball team and we took part in our city matches. I enjoyed the atmosphere of competitions and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept our defeat with dignity. And now when summer comes we often play beach volleyball.
I really can’t imagine my way of life without sport. I like regular training. It keeps my body healthy and young.
Спорт всегда был неотъемлемой частью здорового образа жизни человечества. По моему мнению, он помогает нам поддерживать тело сильным, активным и подтянутым. Он также делает нашу личность дисциплинированной, организованной и оптимистичной. К счастью, спорт становится все более популярным в нашей стране. Большинство людей посещают тренажерный зал несколько раз в неделю, они увлекаются бегом, игрой в футбол, хоккей, волейбол, баскетбол или теннис. Довольно многие регулярно ходят в бассейны, на лыжные базы и на катки.
Это забавно, но существуют люди, которые проводят большую часть своего времени перед телевизором, просматривая футбольные каналы или чемпионаты по фигурному катанию, к примеру. И они с гордостью называют себя увлеченными спортсменами. Мне кажется, они просто являются пассивными любителями и фанатами спортивных команд. И, разумеется, смотреть спортивные события и заниматься спортом – это совсем не одно и то же.
Что касается меня, я увлекаюсь спортом с детства. Честно говоря, я предпочитаю командные игры, так как люблю чувствовать поддержку партнеров в таких играх. Волейбол – моя любимая игра. Нужно быть быстрым и подавать неожиданные мячи своим соперникам по другую сторону сетки. В школе я был капитаном нашей волейбольной команды, и мы участвовали в городских матчах. Мне нравилась атмосфера соревнования и сладкий вкус наших побед. Иногда мы проигрывали, конечно, но старались принимать поражение с достоинством. А сейчас, когда приходит лето, мы часто играем в пляжный волейбол.
Я действительно не могу представить свой образ жизни без спорта. Мне нравятся регулярные тренировки. Они поддерживают мое тело здоровым и молодым.