Hello! I have got a nice pet. It’s dog.He is friendly and funny. I like with him walk. He is name Bond.I love my dog Bond!
Привет! У меня есть питомец. Это собака. Он дружелюбный и смешной. Я люблю с ним гулять. Его имя Бонд. Я люблю свою собаку Бонд!

I have got a pet.It is a cat.Her name is Linda.She is 5.she is funny.she is like eat mat or fish.i take a cat four a wok.we a play with her favorite toy.i love my cat very much.

I have a pet.  It’s a cat.  His name is Moore.  We called our cat so, because he always purrs.  He is very kind and sweet.  Every day when I get up, he runs up to me and starts rubbing against me.  But to be honest, the first time he ran, I thought he wanted to bite me, and he came up and began to purr.  Because of his loud purring, I often call him Murlykolka.  We play together very often, after I do the lessons.  He has also various ribbons, and colored balls, and all sorts of soft toys.  In general, I will tell you so, my cat — the best!

У меня есть кошка. Ее зовут Ляля. Она черно-серая. Ей шесть лет. У нее зеленые глаза. Они большие и круглые. У нее очень красивый, пушистый хвост и маленькие ушки. Ляля очень любит спать. Она спит в самых теплых местах нашего дома. Еще она очень любит покушать. Иногда она ест бабушкины цветы. Я люблю играть с моей кошкой. Я тяну веревку, а кошка бежит и играет с этой веревкой.
Моя кошка ласковая, но пугливая. Однажды мы взяли Лялю на дачу. Моя кошка спряталась под дом. Мы очень долго искали кошку, а она вылезла из-под дома только вечером. Моя кошка — трусишка!
Я очень люблю мою кошку, а она любит меня!

I have a cat. Her name is Lyalya. It is black and gray. She is six years old. She has green eyes. They are large and round. She has a very beautiful, fluffy tail and small ears. Lyalya likes to sleep very much. She sleeps in the warmest places of our house. She also very much likes to eat. Sometimes she eats grandmother’s flowers. I love playing with my cat. I pull the rope, and the cat runs and plays with this rope.
My cat is affectionate, but timid. Once we took Lyalya to the dacha. My cat hid under the house. We spent a very long time looking for a cat, and she climbed out from under the house only in the evening. My cat is a coward!
I really love my cat, and she loves me!

киты – животные теплокровные, способные сохранять постоянство температуры тела независимо от окружающей среды. Внушительная жировая прослойка защищает животных от переохлаждения и поддерживает постоянную температуру тела около 35-40 градусов.

Киты дышат не жабрами, а легкими. У кита отсутствуют жабры, зато есть мощные легкие с отлично сформированной мускулатурой, благодаря чему киты на 90% осуществляют воздухообмен за один вдох/выдох (для сравнения: у человека воздухообмен происходит лишь на 15%). Поэтому киты, в зависимости от вида, способны пребывать в толще воды от 10 до 40 минут, а кашалоту глотка воздуха хватает на 1,5 часа.

There are over two thousand animal spices in the world, but only two or three dozens of them are domesticated. All the rest live in the wild nature, and are not domesticable. They are usually referred to wild animals. Wild animals are distinguished from the domestic ones by external appearance, behavior and feeding habits. But the key difference between them is their attitude to humans. Wild animals always see people as enemies rather than friends. Their fear for humans is genetic, and even if you manage to tame one of them, its joeys will not be born tamed.

To my mind, the most unusual wild animals live in Australia. It is, for example, the kangaroo – the most well-know marsupial mammal, which breeds the young in the pouch. It is also a koala bear – a sluggish wooly animal which is often called the symbol of Australia. Finally, Australia is home for the emu, the second largest flightless bird in the world.

Name Tom (Cat)
place of residence : human home
Small, grey, blue eyes, clear brown face, dark ears, paws and long striped tail; flexible elongated body, larger round head
name Leo 
place of residence Africa, North America and Eurasia 

Медведь-одно из диких животных. Медведь-всеядный, крупный, сильный и одиночный. Поздней осенью он находит удобное место для зимовки, которая называется берлогой. В берлоге медведь проводит всю зиму, просыпается он весной голодным и худым. От весны до осени медведь ходит по лесу в поисках ягод, орехов, гнёзд диких пчёл и муравейников.
Весной медведь становиться хищником, может сказать кабана, лося или оленя. Для спячки медведь устраивает себе берлогу, обычно под упавшими деревьями. Перед спячкой медведь обильно обрастает жирком.
Bear one of the wild animals.Bear is omnivorous, large, strong and single. In late autumn he finds a convenient place, which is called the den. In the den a bear spends the whole winter, and wakes up in the spring thin and hungry.

I have a pet — a cat Barsik. It is white in color. His pink nose and green eyes. He loves to eat meat. He lives with us for 3 years. I love him very much. It is cute and beautiful.

I have a pet - a cat Barsik. It is white in color. His pink nose and green eyes. He loves

My favorite animal is a dog. Because, as they say, «Dog is a friend of man». They can be accustomed to various tricks. There are many fairy tales about dogs where they are heroes! They run, jump, funny wag their tail! I love dogs!

I want to tell you about such an animal as a horse. Horses are smart and beautiful animals. They are engaged in horse riding. Horses have a variety of razrassy. Also among them there are albinos with blue eyes. A small horse is a pony. The horses are gorgeous!
Текст про лошадей подойдёт?

Сделаю предложение о Медведе: Медведь зимой впадает в спячку. Летом и сенью медведь накапливает жир. Он спит в берлоге до самой весны.

The lion is a wild animal. he is very dangerous for humans. but he is very beautiful and wonderful animal. that’s all what I wanted to say.
лев это дикое животное. Он очень опасен для человека. Но он очень красив и благороден. Это все о чем я хотел рассказать

A wolf is a wild forest animal. His fur is usually gray, but it can also differ, for example, be white or black. He looks like a dog. This beast is very smart and nimble. He can run fast and hunt well. He only eats other animals’ meat

Wolves are wild animals. They look very much like big dogs. Usually wolves are grey with long tails. Wolves are predators and very smart hunters. They live almost anywhere. They can be found in tundra,steppe and taiga. Wolves have great physical strength,endurance and agivity. As wolves kill weak and sick animals first they are considered to be forest medics. But because of the danger they pose to people,many species of wolves have been completely wiped out,and many are considered endangered.

Dormouse – like animal at the same time on a field mouse and a squirrel. Its dimensions — with a long bushy tail with a tassel – up to 15 cm in length; the tail is 7 cm the baby’s Weight reaches the maximum of 25 g — only the beginning of the winter season.The dormice species adapted to life in trees or bushes – that can be seen on the device of their limbs: 1 toe short and located at an angle to the other four equally long. Brush while crawling on the branches can turn in all directions at 90 º C.The animal has very beautiful coloring: light, with a pale yellow tinge, and the abdomen yellow-red back and tail is decorated with brush – light or dark. Sometimes the animals on his tummy and back are white spots having a unique location – it is possible to identify the animal.The distribution of oreshnikova Sony: all of Europe – except Spain – and the Northern part of Turkey, in Russia it can be found in the upper Transnistria and the Caucasus.On large trees the animal is not «brandishing», actively exploring the undergrowth – he is able to climb even on thin and flexible branches of low bushes. Her food supply are: rose hips, Euonymus, tree nuts, berries: viburnum; Rowan; wild cherry and others.

Sumatrian tiger.
Sumatrian tigers are endemics of island Sumatra. They are close relatives of Bengal tigers, but these tigers are a bit smaller than their continental brothers and more aggressive. People who lives on Sumatra tells tales that these tigers can cross all island hunting for antelope or wild bull. Regrettably, these beautiful creature are in danger, forests and planes where they live concede for plantations, farmers usually kill them according for their animals and Sumatran tigers can distinct in near future from our planet